Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The First Encyclical (sung to "The First Noelle"..or not)

Big day in the Catholic World.>> B XVI's got his first encyclical out, and it's on love, baby (maybe should've released on Valentine's Day? Hmmm...) I am printing off a copy from the Vatican's website as we speak, will read and have comments for y'all tomorrow.

By the way, does it strike anyone else as waay cool that the Successor of Peter, a Galilean fisherman, now has a website and e-mail? Who says the Church doesn't evolve? I wonder if Christ ever envisioned this. You know, they're sitting by the fire one night, talking, and Jesus says, "just imagine, Peter, in 2,000 years, your successor will be able to instantly communicate with anyone in the world via a little machine, and you'll have one place to put everything the Church says and believes, and anyone can access it, at any time!" But this probably didn't happen. I mean, these are the guys who had trouble with the loaves and the fishes. :) So Jesus probably didn't want to warp their minds too much with 21st century technology. And i"m not being disrespectful to the Apostles...just having some fun here!

Check back tomorrow for the write-up. And I'm almost done with the Confessions --really! I'm on Book X (with only two more to go--I think)...

More later, amigos...

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