Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Anti-Narnia press begins...

Seems like there's a weird Anti-Narnia conspiracy going on out there...I noticed the Columbus Dispatch had an article Sunday subtley trashing the literary value of the books, which seems kind of dodgy to me, with one of the people interviewed saying that the only reason for their longevity is because people read them when then were kids, loved them, and didn't read them again. Obviously, I disagree, as do many other Lewis lovers I know.

The Corner is following this, as is Red State blog....more there....

Narnia Hate Watch
By: Paul J Cella · Section: Culture

Here at Redstate we have been struck by the level of unabashed odium that the upcoming film The Chronicles of Narnia has already provoked. Not since The Passion of the Christ have we seen such hatred for a film yet to be released. Thus we inaugurate the NARNIA HATE WATCH.
(102 comments, 529 words in story) Read Story & Discuss Dec 7th, 2005: 09:33:38, if you want to read it. I will try to follow and update you all.

Narnia fans unite--go see the movie in DROVES this weekend! I already have my ticket (thanks, Troy!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am also a faithful Catholic and love my religion. I am so glad that I found your sight. It make me even happier that I have seen the movie(Narnia) besides that fact that I loved it and have been a fan of the book since I was young.I think that Disney is finnaly starting to come around! We (my family and I have been boycoting Disney because of some films they made that made the Church look bad) We saw Narnia because we heard Hollywood was mad. I Love Your site!