Thursday, December 15, 2005

Resuming talks with the COE?

From the Church of England's official newspaper:

After a year-long break sparked by the election of Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire, talks have resumed between the Vatican and the Anglican Communion. In a Communiqué released on December 12, the Anglican members of the Consultation stated that tensions between the two Churches “following developments in two of the Anglican Provinces relating to ministry by and to persons of a homosexual orientation and practise” had led to a postponement of the 2004 meeting. Assurances by the Anglican Communion led to a resumption of talks and a fourth meeting of IARCCUM, the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity and Mission, were held “to review work on the project to produce a Common Statement” that would “identify a sufficient degree of agreement in faith to enable the development of a deepened common life and mission” between the two Churches, the statement read. The Commission also completed work on a summary of theological agreements reached between the two ecclesial communities. The report will “harvest the theological fruits” of 40 years of the ARCIC agreements, “taking the thinking and turning it into mission” the Rt Rev Edwin Gulick, Bishop of Kentucky said, citing prayer services where Roman Catholics and Anglicans renew their baptismal vows.

The report has not been made public and is to be submitted to the Vatican and to London for review and publication.

I'm not exactly sure what all they'll discuss, but I hope this happens and that we can come to a consensus (without, of course, sacrificing Catholic truth, which I don't think we'll do--or have to do). I'm a big fan of ecumenism that brings people closer to Rome, in accordance with Jesus' High Priestly Prayer "That All May Be One". Yay, Anglicans, fror coming to the table.

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